Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One awesome birthday treat

I'm not used to having grand celebration or big parties on my birthday. Most of the time, i would be happy having private party with my family and close friends. But this time, I kind of wanted to do it differently, and make it more special for me. I'm a nature-lover and I'm fond of travelling, so i thought a Boracay get-away might be fun. I'm blessed to have such a nice daughter, whose kind enough to make the trip happen, as a gift for my birthday.

I'm kind of hesitant at first, I thought  it might be costly and since it would involve travel by plane and by boat, am a little afraid for the safety of my kids..but then, what the heck? we decided to get a 3-day package and  go anyway. Am I glad we did! cause lo and behold! BORACAY is such a beauty! I know how popular the place is for locals and tourist as well, but it's only now that I realize, why...awesome view...lovely beach...nice bar and restaurants. Such a happy place...full of happy people.

There are a lot places to explore, a lot of water sports and island fun activities to much to little time! Had I known, it would be that fun, I would have planned for a longer vacation. And the cost isn't really that expensive after all, as it is we tried to make the most of the time we've got, and enjoy some of the fun activities the island has to offer, at least the ones that are interesting yet, affordable. We had a grand time, and it was well worth every peso spent, It's indeed one awesome birthday treat!!! Maybe one of the best birthday, I ever had.

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